
CRAFTS - How to make a Light Card

Posted by Nola Jacob (Copyright 2019) on 2nd Sep 2019

LIGHT UP CARD INSTRUCTIONS by Nola JacobUPDATED: 13 September 2019 (Latest updates in red)                   25th September update 1(c) TIPNOTE: Do n … read more
Meet Frankie, the PUGMEDIC dog!

Meet Frankie, the PUGMEDIC dog!

Posted by Nola on 16th Apr 2018

I love some of the queries I get to do a special 'uniform' for an organisation such as this one for the Queensland Ambulance Service Paramedics.Their mascot is a dear little Pug, called Frankie.I have … read more

Jack has been visiting again

Posted by Nola Jacob on 23rd Jun 2017

Little Jack has been visiting for a few days whilst his family were away. He usually dashes around searching for any small hole that he can fit through and making his rapid escape - usually to visit t … read more

Natural cures - from world experts

6th Oct 2014

Learn how to naturally heal your body at The Natural Cures Movement. Register today and watch the first 2 talks of the summit today! Buy the recordings of the entire Summit from world leading exp … read more